Monday, September 1, 2008

Our little lawn mower! (no - the mower was NOT on!)

Scarlett now KNOWS when she hears the lawn mower outside that it HAS to be her D-A-D-D-Y! She will run to the door repeating "dad-DEE, dad-DEE" with more excitement in her voice than I have EVER heard her say mommy - but - whatever! She had to go outside today and play while her daddy was mowing, I tried to keep her in the backyard while he was in the front, but that didn't work for long. Finally he turned the mower off (yes Mam, it was OFF in the picture!!!) so she could 'mow' the grass. It only interested her long enough for me to get a picture, then she realized it wasn't that much fun and went on to bigger and better things.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Miles does the same thing. When a mower is going he will climb on the couch to watch mason go back and forth. Mason will stop and wave and he gets the biggest kick out of it. He has even started to watch our neighbor mow his yard.