Monday, July 27, 2009

update: the new, VERY pink cast

SO, we went to Children's Hospital today (for an appt at 11:45..... didn't get called back until 2:00, but we won't talk about that here!). She had another x-ray, and got a new cast! GOODBYE ugly, bulky, plaster crap (sorry mom.......... but it was!). We picked out the pink one, and the more I look at it the brighter it gets!!! They were nice enough to wash her arm/hand before putting the new one on and it looked like it felt SO good. We go back in two weeks to see if it is time to take it off. The ortho guy said that patients Scarlett's age (2) heal very quickly................ that would mean that she could actually go swimming again. We are keeping her out of eyesight of ALL swimming pools, ponds, etc... She does take a bath with a gallon ziplock bag over her arm and one of us holding her arm up and out of the water. She has tolerated all of this like a champ, and actually seems proud of this pink thing. I do think it gets in the way of good sleep, but we can handle it.

Seriously, brighter than the sun.

This is her saying goodbye to our neighbors. She really is intense about it!

A close-up of the cast.............. shield your eyes!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Scarlett is no Superwoman

WELL............. We are starting our week off with a bang, that is for sure! Scarlett and Ainsley thought they would try their hand at superpowers today, and quickly realized they had none (or Scarlett did, at least!). She jumped off the bed onto a beanbag, completely missing the stuffing portion of the bag and landed on her hand on the hardwood floor. It took me a little bit to figure out what in the world was hurting her. I took her (by myself, I might add!) to the ER at ACH... poor baby broke her arm. Here is the bulky TEMPORARY cast......... we go next week to the orthopedic clinic to get the REAL DEAL! Wonder what colors we have to choose from???

Exhibit A: Bulky plaster cast wrapped in ace bandage, signed by Scarlett :)

Posing with the new accessory (sans the sling.. for some reason she hates that thing!)

Sunday, July 19, 2009


We just got back from spending 10 days in Arkadelphia. We went down on a Wednesday after Pepaw (Dillard's dad) was put on home hospice care the day before. We were able to spend some time at his bedside before he died that following Saturday. We had some great family time, told some stories, and had a great time looking through pictures. On Friday night we knew it was not going to be long, so we had an old fashioned bunking party at Memaw's house and someone was around Pepaw's bedside from then on out. We loved on him, Dillard shaved him and took good care of him using all his latest nursing skills :). He passed away on Saturday at 5:00 p.m. with all of us around his bedside. We brought Scarlett out on Saturday morning and she showed him her newly painted pink toes and showered him with kisses (unsolicited kisses, I might add. That is rare in the book of Scarlett......). Scarlett did notice the next day that he was not in his room, asked "where Pepaw go?" with a confused look on her face, I told her he moved in with Jesus, and she looked at me for a second, then went about her daily business like a 2 year old should.

Scarlett (2), Andrea (10), Justin (17), Anneliesa (19)

Pepaw and Scarlett
By this point he was not very responsive, but he knew she was there

Jeff (Dillard's brother) and Dillard

Michelle, Jeff, Mae Alice, Dillard, and Gina
before the service

Friday, July 3, 2009


I completely skipped May, am now posting about June, and it is already July. Wow this year is going by so fast!!! My computer almost crashed, trying to take my pics with it (thanks, James, for saving that!). It still has a mind of its own, so I am trying to get all my pics off of there and save them to other storage devices. I just downloaded my camera card to my new computer and there are 758 pics on there. That is way too many pics --- I am pretty sure there are not even that many pics of me from birth to age 20. Oh well, live and learn..... :). We have learned this summer that Scarlett loves the water, is not afraid of the water (at ALL) and would live IN the water if we would let her. She is NOT going to be stopped by some stupid floaties and will NOT ask for help when sliding down the slide into the pool. After all, she is a BIG girl, right? This scares me to DEATH. She is MY child, and MY child would cling to the side of the pool (or sit on the step) with all their might, right? WRONG. I forget she is part Dillard, too.

Here is a little bit of what we have been up to so far this HOT, HOT summer..........

This kid could blow bubbles all day. I know we have been through 2 gallons so far of bubble solution..... I think we need to stage an intervention :)

PRETTY sure water from the hose is disgusting. Parasites, anyone?

the summer would not be complete without the ice cream truck

Pretty sure she is chewing me out for something here...........

Who doesn't love a gal in pink boots? (or Boo-ITS, as Scarlett calls them)